روان شناسی و مشاوره::
ایگو حیوانی
Our ability to observe our stream of consciousness (the ego), our ability for abstract and logical thinking, our ability to direct our attention, and our ability for moral thinking and spiritual awareness, are all human qualities that separates us from the need-to-get function and survival instinct of the animal-ego.
It's only when we reach that state that we may really "know" with certainty and make decisions based on spiritual values (the human brain) rather than on the survival instincts and the desires of the animal-ego (the reptilian and mammalian brain).
When anxiety is triggered in the amygdala the animal-ego is trying to convince you that you don't have the ability to observe what's going on inside you, but this is not true.
Desire is the craving for an external object, and it stems from the earliest animal-ego motivations of seeking satisfaction from outside itself.
At the levels below 200 life is based on the animal-ego which is aligned with pleasure, gain, and predatory instincts.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران